The March 2022 Health Days Calendar includes Colorectal Cancer Month, National Kidney Month, National Doctors Day & these important days…

Here are the important March health awareness days Baldwin Publishing includes in our “Celebrate Today!” Health Days Calendar. Recognize these health observances on your blog, newsletter, website and social media to drive online traffic in 2022.

March Health Days Calendar

  • Colorectal Cancer Month

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the U.S. Although there’s no guarantee that a person can prevent this disease, there are things people can do to help lower their risk of getting it.

  • National Nutrition Month

Feeling exhausted and don’t know why? If a person is getting enough sleep and exercising regularly, it could be their diet causing that unexplained fatigue. Explaining the importance of a balanced diet helps boost the health and long-term wellness of a hospital’s community.

  • National Kidney Month

When you think of systems in the body that are connected, many people may not connect the health of the kidneys and heart to diabetes. That’s why people in a hospital’s community may be surprised to find out that these three components of their health are very intertwined.

  • Frozen Food Month

Don’t skimp on nutrition when you’re short on time or your fridge is less than full. By encouraging people in your community to keep these foods in their freezer, they won’t go hungry. They also won’t regret what they put in your body when those hunger pangs strike.

  • Save Your Vision Month

Eye strain is a common occurrence, especially for those who spend a good part of their day looking at a digital device, such as a computer, tablet or phone. Sharing information with the community about how they can protect their eyesight is an important way for hospitals to help patients avoid headaches, eye strain and more.

  • March 8 – International Women’s Day

Women naturally experience fluctuating hormone levels throughout their menstrual cycles that may cause physical and emotional symptoms. But some women find they feel “off” in ways that are unconnected to these normal hormonal fluctuations. International Women’s Day marks a great opportunity for hospitals and health organizations to encourage appointments with women who are struggling with hormonal issues.

  • March 10 – World Kidney Day

Passing kidney stones can be quite painful. But the good news is that they usually don’t cause any permanent damage. Sharing information about the warning signs and symptoms of kidney stones is a good way to boost appointments with men and women in the community.

  • March 13-19 – National Sleep Awareness Week                    

Not only can a lack of sleep ruin your day, but if you don’t get enough quality sleep on a regular basis, it can cause physical and mental health issues that go far beyond the lousy feeling you have after a poor night’s sleep. That’s why it’s important for hospitals to discuss making sleep a priority.

  • March 13-19 – Brain Awareness Week

As people age, cognitive function tends to naturally decline. This may just mean a person can become a bit more forgetful or that it takes them longer to solve complex problems. But there may be things people can do to lower their chance of dementia which are perfect for hospitals and health organizations to share during Brain Awareness Week.

  • March 22 – Diabetes Alert Day

No one wants to give up all sweets. And the good news is people don’t have to, even if they have diabetes. With a few tweaks to their favorite recipes, members of your social media and online community can have their cake, and eat it, too!

  • March 20-26 – National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

It’s often assumed that some people can just handle their alcohol better than others. But the fact is that how drunk or sober a person may be is affected by how quickly their body metabolizes alcohol. Hospitals can use National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week to discuss how substances affect the body and what responsible measures can be taken.

  • March 20-26 – Poison Prevention Week

It’s a common myth that some pesticides are “safe” and others are “dangerous.” All chemicals have the potential to be hazardous. If a person touches, eats or breathes in a chemical substance, it may harm their health, which is why hospitals should share information about common and dangerous household chemicals during Poison Prevention Week.

  • March 30 – National Doctors Day

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on more than just doctors and hospitals. It has had an effect on the doctor-patient relationship as well. Some people skipped doctor appointments because they didn’t feel comfortable being in a medical office. Some switched to virtual appointments instead of face-to-face visits. No matter what someone’s reason is for not seeing a doctor as often as they used to, now is the perfect time to get those appointments back on their schedule.