When news breaks, social media marketers have a short window to post headlines that grab attention.

When it comes to promoting health awareness, few digital posts are as powerful as those connected with a celebrity illness or premature death.

Consider the recent death of 90210 actor Luke Perry at age 52 from a massive stroke or Carrie Fisher’s death at age 60 from a fatal heart attack followed by her mother Debbie Reynold’s stroke the following day.

Each of these tragic events presented an opportunity for hospitals to promote awareness, prevention and treatments for serious medical conditions.

How to post trending news that gets noticed

A celebrity‘s sudden death fills every media channel – from social media and blogs to television and newspapers. Hospital blogs and social media posts need to jump into the conversation. And they need to do it fast.

Hospitals should post a localized version of a celebrity story within a 48-hour news cycle. But hospital marketing departments are not newsrooms.  Most social media directors don’t have the resources to create content quickly enough.

That’s why Baldwin Publishing stays on top of current news and health trends. As soon as news starts trending, our health editors immediately develop the articles and images our clients need to post. We provide this content free-of-charge to organizations that license Baldwin Publishing’s wellness content.

In less than 24 hours after Luke Perry’s death, we released an article about stroke risk factors and signs, with information about how stroke affects people of all ages. Almost immediately, dozens of hospitals, including Deborah Heart & Lung Center, posted the Luke Perry article to Facebook, generating hundreds of likes, shares, click-throughs and comments like this: “My dad died from a massive stroke. He was 66. He never had high BP in his life…”

Immediately following Carrie Fisher’s and Debbie Reynold’s deaths, we instantly created content on women and heart disease. These celebrity deaths made women pay attention to their heart health – a topic hospitals need to share with female patients when they’re most open to listening.

Celebrities, natural disasters and mass tragedies

Even in death, celebrity stars have the power to advocate healthy living. But celebrity tragedy is not the only time Baldwin jumps into high gear to create timely content.

After hurricanes, floods and fires we produce health and recovery content for clients in areas impacted by the natural disaster.

Following school shootings and mass tragedies, we provide behavioral health information and tips about how to talk to children, deal with stress and manage mental health concerns.

Educating communities

Hospitals around the nation put great effort into educating communities about health conditions and healthy living. While no one wants to take advantage of a bad situation, people pay attention to their own health when bad things happen to well-known people.

That’s why Baldwin creates highly-shareable health content that is also newsworthy. Our content makes it easy for health care providers to share valuable information with their communities when people are searching for it.

For more information about our newsworthy health and wellness content, contact us.

Learn More about Baldwin Publishing’s Wellness Content.