This 2024 calendar of national health observances in April includes content for Minority Health Month, Stress Awareness Month, Defeat Diabetes Month, and these important monthly health observances…

Find every health day worth celebrating in April 2024 with Baldwin Publishing’s Celebrate Today National Health Observances Calendar. Hospital marketers and health professionals can use the national awareness days in this monthly calendar to boost social media engagement and increase traffic to their website.

For more than 30 years, Baldwin Publishing has created health and wellness content for every monthly health observance in April, as well as all national awareness days to acknowledge throughout the year. As the premier sponsor of the 2024 SHSMD Calendar of National Health Observances and Recognition Days, Baldwin is known nationally for creating medically reviewed health content for hospitals and health organizations.

Our articles on relevant health topics, engaging videos with wellness tips, vibrant graphics for important observances, and heart healthy recipes for national food days are ready for posting on hospital websites, blogs, social media pages and digital newsletters.

Here is a sample of the national health observances we include in the Celebrate Today calendar for April 2024:

Minority Health Month
For Minority Health Month, Baldwin writers highlight the unique health challenges and concerns that disproportionately affect minority populations.

Defeat Diabetes Month
Diabetes remains a significant health concern, but there are steps we can take to manage this condition. For Defeat Diabetes Month, share Baldwin’s article highlighting which foods diabetics should avoid to better manage blood sugar levels.

Stress Awareness Month
For Stress Awareness Month, Baldwin writers address the impact of stress on our wellbeing, and how too much cortisol may be the source of this stress.

Alcohol Awareness Month
For Alcohol Awareness Month, share Baldwin’s article that explores the effects of alcohol on sleep quality and how to strike a balance for better rest.

Occupational Therapy Month
Occupational therapists play a crucial role in helping patients regain independence and improve their quality of life. For Occupational Therapy Month, Baldwin writers share five reasons you may benefit from occupational therapy.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Month
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects millions worldwide, causing discomfort and disruption to daily life. This month, Baldwin shares potential triggers and management strategies for this common digestive condition.

Parkinson’s Awareness Month
Parkinson’s disease impacts movement and can significantly affect quality of life. For Parkinson’s Awareness Month, Baldwin writers offer insights into the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and its potential causes.

STI Awareness Month
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) don’t just impact young people. This month, Baldwin shares an article that highlights the importance of STI awareness, testing, and prevention, regardless of age.

Foot Health Awareness Month
Your feet carry you through life’s journey, so it’s essential to keep them healthy and pain free. For Foot Health Awareness Month, Baldwin writers share how to prevent Achilles tendon injuries and offer tips on how to keep your feet and ankles out of harm’s way.

April Health Awareness Days and Weeks

April 1—7: National Public Health Week
National Public Health Week is a great time to think about how we can collectively work towards improving the health of our communities. Share Baldwin’s article with your community that sheds light on a prevalent health issue that often goes unnoticed.

April 7: World Health Day
Celebrate World Health Day with your social media followers by sharing Baldwin’s colorful and engaging graphic that can be branded for your health organization and posted to Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

April 16: Eggs Benedict Day
Celebrate Brunch Month and Eggs Benedict Day with your social media followers by posting this heart healthy recipe for eggs benedict. This low calorie recipe from Baldwin’s Health eCooks® Test Kitchen makes enough to feed 12 hungry family members and is ready to serve in less than an hour. Find all the National Food Days in April here.

April 22—26: Every Kid Healthy Week – April 23
Promoting healthy habits in children sets the foundation for lifelong wellness. For Every Kid Health Week, Baldwin shares practical tips for encouraging kids to make better eating choices.

April 21—27: Infertility Awareness Week
Infertility can be a challenging journey for many individuals and couples. This month, Baldwin explores some of the contributing factors of infertility and the treatments options that are available.

April 24—30: World Immunization Week
We can never remind our communities enough about how important vaccines are for saving lives and preventing the spread of infectious diseases. For World Immunization Week, share Baldwin’s article highlighting the importance of vaccines against preventable diseases that are resurging like the measles.

Baldwin Publishing creates health content you can use, including customizable articles, graphics, images and videos. We tie our content to national health observances to make the content timely and relevant for your community. Delivered in an easy-to-use calendar format, our national health calendar is perfect to use on hospital blogs and social media pages.

Looking for more health content to use in hospital blogs, social media pages and digital newsletters? Contact us.

Get a full calendar of all of the important 2024 national health observances here.

Interested in sharing heart healthy recipes on social media? Get Baldwin’s calendar of 2024 national food days.